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Microservice DSL (MDSL)

A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to specify (micro-)service contracts, their data representations and API endpoints.

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Note: The status of the Asynchronous Microservice Domain Specific Language (AsyncMDSL), created by Giacomo Di Liberali, is Technology Preview, standing at Version 1.1 at present.

AsyncMDSL aims at modeling asynchronous, messaging APIs while exploiting the design goals of core MDSL. Extending core MDSL, AsyncMDSL derives its abstract syntax from the state-of-the-art patterns and concepts described in the Enterprise Integration Patterns book. The language is fully specified in Giacomo Di Liberali’s master thesis.

Use Cases

AsyncMDSL can be used to model scenarios where communication between systems is accomplished by the use of queue-based messaging, i.e., systems are not communicating through synchronous calls. In this asynchronous context, indeed, a request might not expect a reply, and message producers might not know the message consumers because channels and message brokers decouple them from each other.


An AsyncMDSL document uses the same structure as core MDSL, including its data transfer representations:

API description HelloWorldAPI

data type SampleDTO {ID, D} 

channel SayHello
on path "/public/sayHello" 
produces message HelloMessage
	delivering payload SampleDTO

message broker HelloWorldAmqpProvider 
exposes SayHello
at location ""
via protocol AMQP

message endpoint HelloWorldAmqpClient
uses from HelloWorldAmqpProvider:

The example defines an API which has a single channel, SayHello, to which many Message Endpoints can consume from. The channel is a Publish-Subscribe Channel and delivers a SampleDTO as output to subscribers. A Message Broker exposes the SayHello channel via AMQP protocol, and the Message Endpoint HelloWorldAmqpClient uses the channel from this broker (i.e., consumes messages from it).

Message Channels

channel [name]
of type [type]
delivery guarantee [deliveryGuarantee]  // optional, default UNKNOWN
description [description]               // optional
on path [path]
    with                                // optional path parameters
        [pathParamName]: [pathParamType], [pathParamDescription],
produces message [messageName]          // or accepts [and produce]
    description [messageDescription]
	delivering                     // or expecting
		headers [...]          // optional
		payload [...]          // mandatory, e.g., {V}
                    as [messageIntent] // optional 
        where                          // optional message constraints
bindings for [protocol] {
    // JSON object


Channel path



An example of a binding definition can be found in examples/AsyncMDSL/bindings.mdsl.

Channel definition example

Message Channels are defined as this:

channel PatientMeasurements
delivery guarantee AT_LEAST_ONCE
description "Notifies whenever a new measurement comes"
on path "/patients/${patientId}/measurement"
        patientId: int, "The patient identifier" 
accepts message Measurement
	description "Contains the value and the type of the measurement"
		headers HeadersDTO
		payload MeasurementDTO as EVENT_MESSAGE
bindings for MQTT {
    "qos": 1

In the above example we define a PUBLISH_SUBSCRIBE channel called PatientMeasurements; this type of channel can have multiple subscribers at the same time, and the message will be delivered to each of them as a copy. As a DATA_TYPE channel, this channel will only carry messages with the same schema.

The quality of service of the messages that will be sent to this channel is declared as the delivery guarantee AT_LEAST_ONCE: every message will be received by each subscriber at least one time.

We then inform subscribers that the path on which this channel will be exposed by a broker contains a parameter (patientId), which is determined at runtime by publishers subscribers.

Since we stated that the channel is a DATA_TYPE channel, we specify the schema of the message that will be sent to subscribers MeasurementDTO as well as the intent of such message (for example EVENT_MESSAGE or DOCUMENT_MESSAGE). We may also include other relevant information such as the message expiration time or a correlation identifier (if present).

We can finalize the channel definition by specifying optional bindings for concrete protocols (here: MQTT).

Request-Reply Channels

Request-Reply messages require distinct logical channels to communicate: one channel for the request and one channel for the reply. A Request-Reply Channel allows the definition of both logical channels, where each of them contains the payload they expect/deliver. Also, in this type of communication, it might be useful to specify further information, such as the Correlation Identifier of a message:

channel [requestReplyChannelName]
request message [requestChannelName]
	description [description]
	on path [requestPath]
		headers [...]
		payload [...]
reply message [replyChannelName]
    description [description]
    on path [replyPath]
        headers [...]
        payload [...]
        CORRELATION_ID is [expression]

expression has the format $message.(payload | header)#/path/to/property.

Message Brokers

Message brokers expose previously defined message channels and make them available to consumption under a concrete protocol:

message broker [name]
description [description]
            at location [url]
            via protocol [protocol],
            bindings {
                // JSON object with protocol-specific options
            policy [policyName] // optional security policy
                realized using [policyType] in [payloadExpression],
	[...] // expose other channels under different protocols and policies


Message Endpoints

Message Endpoints are clients that connect to Message Brokers. Message Endpoints can use one or more Message Brokers, and for each one of them, they can specify which channels they are going to use to produce and/or consume messages:

message endpoint [name]
of type [type]          // EIP pattern (optional)
serves as [role_enum]   // MAP tag(s) (optional)
description [description]
    from [broker]:

    [...] // declare dependency from other brokers/channels

Generator Tool: AsyncMDSL to AsyncAPI

Valid AsyncMDSL specifications can be mapped to AsyncAPI. See this page for instructions.

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